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Choir Code of Conduct:

  1. Respect and Acceptance. We foster an inclusive and accepting environment where we honour and value diversity.

  2. Zero Tolerance for Bullying: Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated within our choir. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive space for all members, and any incidents of bullying will be addressed promptly and seriously.

  3. Embrace Diversity: Our choir celebrates diversity and embraces the unique qualities that each individual brings. We encourage members to learn from each other's differences and grow together as a unified and harmonious ensemble.

  4. Open Communication: We promote open and honest communication among all members. If anyone feels uncomfortable or has concerns, they are encouraged to express them in a respectful manner, and we will address the issues with care and understanding.

  5. Supportive Environment: We strive to create a supportive atmosphere where everyone feels encouraged to grow and improve their musical talents. We offer constructive feedback and positive reinforcement to help each member reach their full potential.

  6. Collaborative Spirit: Our choir thrives on collaboration and teamwork. We value each member's input and encourage active participation in rehearsals and performances.

  7. Responsibility and Accountability: Each member is responsible for their actions and their impact on the choir and its members. We hold ourselves accountable for upholding the values of acceptance, respect, and inclusivity.

  8. Representing the Choir: As ambassadors of our choir, we conduct ourselves with dignity and respect not only within our community but also outside. We aim to inspire others with our passion for music and our commitment to unity.

  9. Continuous Learning: We encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Members are encouraged to seek opportunities for musical growth and personal development.

  10. Upholding the Code: All choir members are expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct. Any violations may result in appropriate actions, including but not limited to discussions, warnings, or dismissal from the choir if necessary.



By following this Code of Conduct, we ensure that our choir remains a nurturing and welcoming community where everyone can thrive, creating beautiful music together while fostering understanding, acceptance, and love for all.

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